H.E.A.R.T Collective Open House
The Seatle Sexological Bodyworkers are branching out into the community and have joined forces with other healing practitioners to form the Healers Engaging in Acts of Radical Transformation (HEART) Collective. We invite you for an evening to celebrate the start of this collective with community and colleagues.
Come meet the practitioners that make up the new H.E.A.R.T. Collective in Columbia City! We are a group of sex-positive healers of multiple modalities focused on strategies of anti-oppression and social justice as a form of healing. We believe in collective action on personal, professional, and community levels. Learning, connecting, creating action, and movement are at the center of H.E.A.R.T.
7-7:30pm- Open house- Come and enjoy light snacks and see the space
7:30-9pm- Get to know the practitioners!
We will hold a panel to discuss what we do and how we work together to create holistic healing.
Our Practitioners
Angela Day - http://www.adayintherapy.com/
Shannon Solie - http://shannonsolie.squarespace.com/
DeAnza Spaulding - https://www.renewtherapyseattle.com/
Tiffany Renee - https://www.mahoganypoint.com/
Kat Camp - https://www.embodyingbliss.com/
Katie Spataro - https://www.sacredwombservices.com/
Garland Jarmon - http://www.spiritualeros.com/
Tai Fenix Kulystin - https://www.consciouspleasure.com/

Reclaiming the Erotic: Conception, Pregnancy, & Birth
A hands-on weekend birth workshop focused on erotic education and sexual wellness and centered around an inclusive, trauma-informed exploration of the sexual nature of conception, pregnancy & birth.
ALL pregnant/conceiving people, their partner(s), & birth plans welcome.
This somatic (body-based), hands-on workshop focuses on the inherent and physiological sexual nature of conception and birth and is based on principals of erotic education and sexual wellness for all people around the perinatal period. The intention of this workshop is to re-imagine the connection between orgasmic/erotic states in pleasure and birth experiences and to provide tools and space for hands on practice to create connection and intimacy--within a non-judgmental container. This workshop is consent-based, trauma-informed, and welcoming and supportive of all families and their birth preferences!
Click Here for more information!

Wheel of Consent
We are at a time of collective unraveling of ancestral, cultural and personal trauma in our bodies.
At the heart of this unraveling lies a tremendous amount of confusion around the nature of consent— what it actually is — and how we consciously or unconsciously traverse in or out of the boundaries of it with our own bodies and in our relationships with others.
This class is grounded in the foundational work of Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent. Using the Wheel as a framework, we will map the landscape of consent through Giving and Receiving touch with the intention of mindful awareness, honoring, trust and communication.
With a deeper understanding and practice of embodied consent...
...we learn how to trust both our boundaries and our desires
...we gain greater fluency in asking for what we truly want from others
...we can more clearly identify common reasons we operate out of consent (including habitual patterns, held religious trauma, institutionalized systems of oppression and power)
And, ultimately…
...we gain access to more choices for ourselves in our bodies and in our relationships.
Click Here for more information!

Cultivating Pelvic Health and Sexual Wellness
An experiential women's* circle for those who experience pelvic pain and/or disconnection
w/ Jen Kraft, PT and Katie Spataro, CSB
This engaging, powerful, and supportive 6-week experiential workshop will help you tap into your mind-heart-pelvis connection in order to cultivate greater pelvic health and sexual wellness. Within a confidential, and non-judgmental space we will explore topics of consent, anatomy, desire and arousal, pelvic pain, orgasms and orgasmic states, sex vs. sensuality, boundaries, communication and more. Each session includes time for sharing and reflection as well as movement, visualization, and embodiment practices to support pelvic and sexual health.
This women’s circle is intended to provide participants with:
-A supportive community for sharing and learning.
-New language and tools for communicating desires, needs and limits.
-A greater understanding and felt sense of the anatomy of arousal and pleasure.
-Techniques for working with and releasing pelvic pain and painful sex.
-A release of body shame and sexual shame and an increase in body confidence.
-A sense of empowered choice and voice around sex, sexuality, and pleasure.
-A reclamation of the sacred erotic within our lineage.
-Self care tools and embodied practices to experiment with at home.
Click Here for more information!

Mapping the Landscape of Consent: 2-Day Wheel of Consent Class
We are at a time of collective unraveling of ancestral, cultural and personal trauma in our bodies.
At the heart of this unraveling lies a tremendous amount of confusion around the nature of consent— what it actually is — and how we consciously or unconsciously traverse in or out of the boundaries of it with our own bodies and in our relationships with others.
This class is grounded in the foundational work of Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent. Using the Wheel as a framework, we will map the landscape of consent through Giving and Receiving touch with the intention of mindful awareness, honoring, trust and communication.
Click the logo above for more information!

Mapping the Landscape of Consent: 2-Day Wheel of Consent Class
We are at a time of collective unraveling of ancestral, cultural and personal trauma in our bodies.
At the heart of this unraveling lies a tremendous amount of confusion around the nature of consent— what it actually is — and how we consciously or unconsciously traverse in or out of the boundaries of it with our own bodies and in our relationships with others.
This class is grounded in the foundational work of Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent. Using the Wheel as a framework, we will map the landscape of consent through Giving and Receiving touch with the intention of mindful awareness, honoring, trust and communication.
Click the logo above for more information!

The Talks at The Crystal Spirit
A conversation and learning series about healing our embodied experience!
Click the logo for more information!

Mapping the Landscape of Consent: 5-Hour Intro Class
We are at a time of collective unraveling of ancestral, cultural and personal trauma in our bodies.
At the heart of this unraveling lies a tremendous amount of confusion around the nature of consent— what it actually is — and how we consciously or unconsciously traverse in or out of the boundaries of it with our own bodies and in our relationships with others.
This class is grounded in the foundational work of Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent. Using the Wheel as a framework, we will map the landscape of consent through Giving and Receiving touch with the intention of mindful awareness, honoring, trust and communication.
Click the logo above for more information!

Ingite Queer Men's Festival
Garland will be presenting at the first Ignite Queer Men's Festival in Vancouver, BC.
Ignite is a festival for self-identified men to play with the possibilities of our bodies, to explore new realms within our hearts, and to spark new fires in our souls.
Ignite is a festival of workshops featuring facilitators from all over the Pacific Northwest who have a wealth of experience and knowledge working with queer men. Each one will take us on a unique journey, inviting us into deeper connections with ourselves and with others.
Each day will offer a selection of many different types of workshops, from dance to yoga, tantra to erotic rituals.
To learn more, purchase tickets, find out more about the facilitators, and learn more about the workshops and schedule, check out the Ignite website - https://www.ignite-fest.com.
Would love to see you there!

Mapping the Landscape of Consent - A Somatic Exploration for All Bodies
We are at a time of collective unraveling of ancestral, cultural and personal trauma in our bodies.
At the heart of this unraveling lies a tremendous amount of confusion around the nature of consent— what it actually is — and how we consciously or unconsciously traverse in or out of the boundaries of it with our own bodies and in our relationships with others.
This class is grounded in the foundational work of Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent. Using the Wheel as a framework, we will map the landscape of consent through Giving and Receiving touch with the intention of mindful awareness, honoring, trust, and communication.
More info and to register: https://www.sacredwombservices.com/mapping-consent

Give and Take - Consent for Your Kinky Play with Katie Spataro
Within the context of BDSM, consent offers us the ability to explore and play in the realms of the shadow. But how does our individual understanding of what consent is, how it is played out or how it may shift or change within the context of a scene, enable or limit our access to exploring those realms within a safe-enough container?

Intro to Erotic Alchemy: Sacred Sexuality Series
Erotic Alchemy utilizes the processes of transformation found in nature to understand and encourage the unification of matter (the body) and consciousness (soul/spirit) within an explicit and intentional erotic context. In this workshop we will be focusing on the particular alchemical formula of the three conjunctios, or the (re)union of the three principles: sulfur, salt, and mercury, or soul, body, and spirit. Drawing deeply on the work of practical, psychological, and spiritual alchemy, we will investigate these conjunctios and the transformation that can be found within.
We will explore:
• What is Erotic Alchemy and how can we engage with it
• Alchemy as a process of personal transformation
• The alchemical formula of the three conjunctios and how that relates to the erotic and relationships
• An embodied experience of soul, body, and spirit and the unions thereof
This is part of a regular series of drop-in sacred sexuality classes that will be exploring the realms of bringing the sacred into sexuality, relationships, and intimacy with Tai Fenix Kulystin. Each class will be a combination of theory, embodied praxis, and discussion with a slightly different focus heald one Thursday night each month through the summer.
These are all stand-alone classes that can be taken individually or as a series. There is no requirement to attend all classes in the series, though you are certainly welcome to do so.

Sacred Gender Magic: Sacred Sexuality Series
Our bodies exist at the intersection of earth and sky. All bodies are sacred; all beings are sacred; all genders are sacred. As a culture, we are on the precipice of transformation and all genders have a role to play. As we shift into a new paradigm, new mythology, and new consciousness, we are assisting the shift by being in this world and working to bust open restrictive notions of gender, no matter where on or off the binary we fit.
This is part of a regular series of drop-in sacred sexuality classes that will be exploring the realms of bringing the sacred into sexuality, relationships, and intimacy with Tai Fenix Kulystin. Each class will be a combination of theory, embodied praxis, and discussion with a slightly different focus heald one Thursday night each month through the summer.
These are all stand-alone classes that can be taken individually or as a series. There is no requirement to attend all classes in the series, though you are certainly welcome to do so.

September Mindful Erotic Embodiment: Balance
Mindful Erotic Embodiment (MEE) is a facilitated, conscious self-pleasuring exploration practiced within a communal erotic space. MEE practice weaves together the heart and genitals within a safe and supportive community. This practice often invites in states of arousal outside of habitual patterns, religious dogma and cultural conditioning and can be transformative! In this erotic trance state, participants become aware of the body as a source of wisdom, happiness and freedom. This event will involve breathing, savoring, sound, movement, self-touch, placement of attention, and awareness of intention.
Click on photo for more info!

August Mindful Erotic Embodiment: Nourish
Mindful Erotic Embodiment (MEE) is a facilitated, conscious self-pleasuring exploration practiced within a communal erotic space. MEE practice weaves together the heart and genitals within a safe and supportive community. This practice often invites in states of arousal outside of habitual patterns, religious dogma and cultural conditioning and can be transformative! In this erotic trance state, participants become aware of the body as a source of wisdom, happiness and freedom. This event will involve breathing, savoring, sound, movement, self-touch, placement of attention, and awareness of intention.
Click on photo for more info!

"The Talks"
Garland will be presenting a new three part talk series @
The Amor Spiritual Center
231 1st Ave S., Kent, Washington 98032
Talk 1: Aug. 17th @ 7-9pm
Topic: SHAME – In this talk we will tackle one of the major resistances to living a full and mindful life, the fear that we are not good enough. This talk will touch on erroneous shame beliefs, systems that support them, and how to begin to work with our own shame messages.
Talk 2: Aug. 24 @ 7-9pm
Topic: SOMATIC AWARENESS – This talk is all about your body and how you feel and sense within it. How aware are you of your body and how much permission do you allow yourself to feel and sense the world around you?
Talk 3: Aug. 31 @ 7-9pm
Topic: SEXO-SPIRITUALITY – This talk will tackle the dual worlds of Sex and Spirit, Sexuality and Spirituality. What definitions and beliefs have we constructed that have kept these two worlds mutually exclusive? And how can we begin to hone, heal, and nurture these two realities within us - and the world?
Purchase tickets here!

Embodying the Sacred Whore: Sacred Sexuality Series
From at least the beginning of written human history, as far back as we know, there have been sacred whores, also often called sexual priest/ess, temple prostitute, and other names. The sacred whore is an erotic priestex who embodies sexual sovereignty, knows all parts of the body to be sacred, and celebrates the erotic in all of its forms. The work of sacred whoredom begins with the body: recognizing all bodies as holy and working to embrace and inhabit all parts of the body.
Click on photo for more info!

July Mindful Erotic Embodiment: Ripening
Mindful Erotic Embodiment (MEE) is a facilitated, conscious self-pleasuring exploration practiced within a communal erotic space. MEE practice weaves together the heart and genitals within a safe and supportive community. This practice often invites in states of arousal outside of habitual patterns, religious dogma and cultural conditioning and can be transformative! In this erotic trance state, participants become aware of the body as a source of wisdom, happiness and freedom. This event will involve breathing, savoring, sound, movement, self-touch, placement of attention, and awareness of intention.
Click on photo for more info!

RISE: A Men's Mindful and Meditative Masturbation Meetup!
RISE is a meetup of like-minded men who are seeking to learn, explore, and practice ways to deepen their own self-pleasure/masturbation practice through guided breath, movement, sound, and solo touch (no partner interaction) and pleasure.

Tempe of Erotic Alchemy: A Sacred Sexual Healing Course
The Temple of Erotic Alchemy (TEA) is a three-weekend Sacred Sexual Healing Course designed to give you healing tools to facilitate your own transformation within an erotic magical container.
The first two weekends are instructional-based (including homework during the weeks in between) to give you a few of the tools you may need. The final weekend is an overnight sacred erotic ritual retreat designed to give you the opportunity to use those tools, or others in your toolbox, to assist your own erotic healing and transformation. What in you has been ignored? What in you has been disconnected? What in you yearns to be recognized? How can we support you and your growth?