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Wheel of Consent

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We are at a time of collective unraveling of ancestral, cultural and personal trauma in our bodies. 

At the heart of this unraveling lies a tremendous amount of confusion around the nature of consent— what it actually is — and how we consciously or unconsciously traverse in or out of the boundaries of it with our own bodies and in our relationships with others.

This class is grounded in the foundational work of Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent. Using the Wheel as a framework, we will map the landscape of consent through Giving and Receiving touch with the intention of mindful awareness, honoring, trust and communication.

With a deeper understanding and practice of embodied consent...
...we learn how to trust both our boundaries and our desires
...we gain greater fluency in asking for what we truly want from others
...we can more clearly identify common reasons we operate out of consent (including habitual patterns, held religious trauma, institutionalized systems of oppression and power)

And, ultimately…
...we gain access to more choices for ourselves in our bodies and in our relationships.

Click Here for more information!